07964108009 (Term time only)
Term Dates
Our normal term dates mirror those of Crick Primary School unless otherwise stated. For more information on term dates in Northamptonshire, please visit the County Council's website.
Term 1 - Wednesday 6th September - Friday 20th October
Term 2 -Monday 30th October - Wednesday 20th December
Term 3 - Thursday 4th January - Friday 16th February
Term 4 - Tuesday 27th February - Thursday 28th March
Term 5 - Monday 15th April - Thursday 23rd May
(closed Monday 6th May for the Bank holiday)
Term 6 - Monday 3rd June - Monday 22nd July
Term 1 - Wednesday 4th September - Friday 25th October
Term 2 -Monday 4th November - Friday 20th December
Term 3 - Tuesday 7th January - Friday 14th February
Term 4 - Tuesday 25th February - Friday 4th April
Term 5 - Tuesday 22nd April - Thursday 22nd May
(closed Monday 5th May for the Bank holiday)
Term 6 - Monday 2nd June - Tuesday 22nd July